Effie Gleeman
2 min readSep 24, 2022


沒有向前走一步是否就等於向後退了一步,事物的定義介於原則和理念,而無形沒有任何束縛, 跳躍,放空,躊躇,自燃,語言的力量和神經交錯,落日描繪的天空每天都不一樣,有視覺的眼球有時比盲人看到的灰更灰,黑白,相愛相殺,撕扯和舔舐原來只不過是日常,腦子裡回憶著那間酒吧那隻酒的味道,到底是靈魂飢渴還是肉身太腐敗,若無天地,若無我。



Is not taking a step forward equal to taking a step backward? The definition of things lies between principle and conception, and the invisible has no fetters. Jumping, emptying, hesitating, spontaneous combustion, the power of language and nerves intertwine. The sunset paints a different sky every day, and sometimes the visual eye is grayer than the gray seen by the blind. Black and white, love and kill each other, tearing and licking turn out to be just a daily routine. The taste of the cocktail in that bar is in my mind. Is it because my soul is thirsty or my body is too corrupt? If there is no heaven and earth, if there is no me.

The only thing left in my body is the most valuable ten knuckles, at least something meaningful, something I’m writing about. Daytime is not awake, but in the darkness of the night and wants to be a hunting eagle. Flames burned around, feathers burned out, and the wind blew in the opposite direction, maybe the sea in front of her was the heaven and earth in her dream.

The body fell in love with the medication, the body blended with the technology and the body told me everything without saying anything. Next time when you see the ripples from the fireworks reflecting off the sea, remember to think of me.



Effie Gleeman
Effie Gleeman

Written by Effie Gleeman

🦢 Tally the different traces of life blooming. Chinese cherubs in Sydney.

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